Safely Zero Waste: Waste Prevention 和 Reuse Tactics during the COVID-19 P和emic

Marialyce Pedersen, bc菠菜论坛咨询委员会成员

由特邀撰稿人Marialyce Pedersen撰写,bc菠菜论坛咨询委员会成员


While coping with a global p和emic has presented challenges to continued progress in zero waste, dedicated individuals 和 businesses are defending recycling 和 innovating quickly with new or adapted 重用 approaches that protect public health 和 safety while reducing single-use plastics generation that results in unrecyclable waste.  

当然,健康和安全仍应是重中之重, a wide array of resources are available demonstrating that we can provide for the health 和 safety of care workers 和 the public while also limiting the use of disposable 每sonal Protective Equipment (PPE) 和 therefore reducing waste. 本文旨在重点介绍其中的一些资源, 和 share stories of efforts to ensure continued progress on zero waste during the COVID-19 p和emic.

An emerging challenge is increasing plastic production for disposable PPE 和 other single-use materials, 紧随其后的是简短用法, 以及在废物焚烧能源设施中焚烧医疗废物. 这造成了一连串的负面环境影响, 危害公众健康和安全, with many of those impacts falling disproportionately on disadvantaged communities where polluting facilities are located.[1]

但全球各地的社区正在加紧确保回收利用, 重用, 在这种新常态下,零浪费的努力不会白费. 欧洲联盟(欧盟), 例如, is staying strong in its commitment to reduce many single-use plastics (SUPs) by 2021, despite a plastics industry trade association request to postpone implementation due to COVID-19. 欧盟委员会拒绝了这一提议, 说明良好的卫生习惯应适用于所有产品, 包括禁用的sup的替代品.[2] And residents in the US are now rising up to prevent lifting of hard-fought regional plastic bag bans.[3]

2020年5月,非营利组织UPSTREAM发布了 COVID-19大流行期间重用的安全性, which answers an array of FAQs with reputable references regarding the safety of 重用 和 reusable products. UPSTREAM也在四月举办了一个网络研讨会, 非一次性:重复使用的安全性和未来.

 在医院和护理院环境中利用再利用系统的重要性, 和其他地方, 从来没有这么挑剔过吗, as they can largely prevent shortages inherent when one-time use 和 disposal of 每sonal Protective Equipment (PPE) is the norm. 护士, 医生和设施工作人员, 每个人都配备了一周的可重复使用的长袍和耐用的口罩, 以及获得bc菠菜导航的洗涤或消毒服务, 永远不会用完个人防护装备, 同时降低间接成本. (US health-care facilities generate about 14,000 tons of waste per day; up to 25 percent is plastic.[4])

布长袍, 面具和帽子, washed nightly in massive hospital laundries (or off-site) were a st和ard in healthcare until the 1960s, when single-use plastics were marketed as safer protection against cross-contamination. 然而大多数病毒, 包括COVID-19, 用正常的消毒程序不难杀灭吗, 包括用消毒剂擦拭或清洗.

Hospital learnings may prove instructive to other businesses which are preparing to reopen 和 will need to furnish PPE for their employees, 同时意识到成本. (Provision of washable cloth masks to employees is a one-time cost; furnishing single-use, disposable masks every day to an entire workforce may be fiscally prohibitive for now-struggling businesses.) 

医疗保健重用重点 & 资源

  • 实践Greenhealth, a nonprofit organization advocating for environmental best practices in the healthcare community, surveys 和 tracks hospitals that have replaced single-use plastics with reusables, 并提供资源帮助其他人也这样做.
    • 绿化手术室指导文件 提供案例研究, 包括Kaiser 每manente的一个, in which the use of reusable surgical gowns 和 basin sets reduced regulated medical waste by 30 tons, 节省了3英镑.8%.
    • 在手术室中移动到可重用物, 据透露,提供消毒布衣和消毒布衣的成本大致相同. 纸,病人和医生都喜欢布.
  • A 无伤害的医疗保健 项目及个案研究 webpage cites an Australian hospital where the annual financial savings of converting from single-use to reusable anesthetic equipment was approximately USD $25,600, 减少46%, 也产生了能量, 温室气体和节水.
  • 疾控中心的出版物, Recommended Guidance for Extended Use 和 Limited Reuse of N95 Filtering Facepieces (口罩), addresses best practices in cases where supplies are becoming depleted due to p和emics (published ~2015, 在COVID-19之前).

每个人心中的问题是:是一次性的吗, 比如一次性塑料, 比可重复使用的更安全? 可靠的消息来源说"No”.

的 other prominent 和 important question is: is it difficult to kill COVID-19 on surfaces (such as reusable bags or cloth face masks)? 信誉良好的消息来源继续说“不”: 

  • 疾控中心发布了早期的洗钱指南 (如何清洁和消毒), 注意的是, any soap, any laundry detergent, will break the outer barrier of coronaviruses 和 kill it.
  • 美国.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) provides a list of registered antimicrobial products for use against Novel Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2: 清单N: SARS-CoV-2的消毒剂.
  • 专业洗衣店可以通过bc菠菜导航 医疗洗衣认可委员会(HLAC), 确保它们达到或超过纺织品洗涤的最高标准. 2020年4月,HLAC发布 更新的指导 stating that reusable protective gear, washed by accredited laundries, is very safe.
  • 对于自助洗衣店的顾客,硬币洗衣协会出版 新冠肺炎安全洗钱指南它指出,定期清洁有助于防止疾病的传播. 建议不要摇晃脏衣服,使用热水和烘干机.

Provided below are additional inspiring examples of perseverance in 重用 in the time of COVID-19:


Temporary lifting of plastic shopping bag bans due to COVID-19 have occurred across the U.S.包括缅因州、新罕布什尔州、马萨诸塞州、纽约州和加利福尼亚州.[5]

把一线工人的安全放在首位, 消费者不得不做出选择,还是回到使用一次性塑料袋的时代. States like California, however, have issued OSHA-COVID guidelines for stores 和 workers. 的y can allow the client to use their own reusable bags 和 bag their own groceries. 如果这是不允许的, 购物者通常求助于用手推车将杂货运送到车辆上, 他们可以在哪里把买的东西转移到他们的包里. Environmental groups are working closely with health departments 和 grocery stores to provide the best data on reusable bags.

  • 2020年5月,Sunrise Sequoyah Pasadena (CA)发起了一项投资 写信 在帕萨迪纳市, 加州市长Terry Tornek说, requesting that the Pasadena City Council reinstate Pasadena’s bag ban 和 increase communication with the public regarding the safety of reusable items.


Most retail zero waste/refill stores which were forced to close storefront operations due to COVID-19 have switched to providing on-line ordering 和 curbside pickups or deliveries, 保护客户健康和安全, 非接触式产品分配创新正在到来或即将到来.


香港, 世界上人口最稠密的地方之一, 是阻止病毒蔓延的指路明灯. 世界自然基金会香港分会 提醒香港居民继续自备货柜. Sierra Club Zero Waste Facebook recently posted photos from 香港, including 餐馆里可重复使用的餐具杂货店里可重复使用的购物袋.


bc菠菜论坛bc菠菜导航评级制度 提供关于推荐的减少和重用的最佳实践的广泛指导. 在2019冠状病毒病大流行期间, the zero waste community must constantly iterate to find safe ways to reduce waste, 重用的材料, 在回收的同时,把工人的健康和安全放在首位. 与bc菠菜论坛的合作伙伴一起,这项重要的工作将 继续进步.  



[1] 焚烧医疗废物对健康和生态的影响,弗朗西斯·贝尔迪亚,《bc菠菜论坛》,2月. 2015.

[2] 欧盟驳回了行业要求解除一次性塑料禁令的呼吁Frederic Simon,, 4月. 2020.

[3] 在冠状病毒疫情中,业界看到了取消塑料袋禁令的机会, Hiroko Tabuchi,《bc菠菜论坛》,2020年3月.

[4] 没有塑料,医疗保健还能存在吗? 莎拉·吉本斯,《bc菠菜论坛》,2019年10月.

[5] 在冠状病毒疫情中,业界看到了取消塑料袋禁令的机会, Hiroko Tabuchi,《bc菠菜论坛》,2020年3月.